International Women Day: 6 Sustainability Stories To Inspire You

Explore the empowering stories of female founders driving sustainability on International Women's Day. From eco-conscious ventures to green innovations, witness the positive impact these dynamic women are making on the planet. Join us in celebrating the vibrant energy and commitment of female leaders shaping a more sustainable and equitable future. Dive into inspiring narratives that go beyond labels, showcasing the incredible strides made by women in fostering a greener world for all,
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Hey there, wonderful souls! As we jump into the celebration vibe of International Women’s Day, let’s dive into some inspiring stories. We’re about to explore the fantastic journeys of a group of amazing women who aren’t just making things happen but are also leading the charge for a cleaner, greener planet. Picture this as a chat over coffee with friends, where we spill the tea on incredible women doing extraordinary things.

Okay, buckle up for stories that break some myths and stereotypes!

In a world where environmental consciousness is no longer a mere choice but a necessity, we are lucky to have visionaries who are paving the way for a more sustainable tomorrow. We’re talking about superhero-like women who decided that our world needs a bit more love and care. They’re not just running businesses; they are on a mission to ensure our planet stays awesome. Imagine shaking up how things are designed, made, shipped, and sold – that’s what these ladies are up to.

But, hey, let’s be real for a moment. While we’re cheering on these amazing women, we have to admit that International Women’s Day can sometimes feel a bit like a box of chocolates – sweet, nicely wrapped, but you’re not always sure what you are gonna get. Sometimes the real stories get drowned in the noise of quick shout-outs. So, instead of looking for that “1 minute of glory”, let’s peel back the curtain and shine a spotlight on stories that truly hit home.

Sarika Sake – Diversity Champion and Queen of Sake

Sarika Sake is indeed one vibrant, energetic and radiant woman. And soon you will discover why.

Sarika Sake
is indeed one vibrant, energetic and radiant woman. And soon, you will discover why.

Her beauty is the reflection of her enthusiastic, generous and exuberant personality. This former UN official turned impact entrepreneur, Sake expert and Face Yoga teacher, is an avid traveller, who has visited over 60 countries and lived in 14 of them.

Sarika advocates for diversity and gender equality, especially amid Japan’s concerning gender ranking. Recognizing the importance of women in sustainable decision-making, she initiated “Women in Sake” to spotlight female contributions in the traditionally male-dominated Sake industry.

She joined the United Nations to promote positive social changes through better public policy while implementing more sustainable lifestyle choices in her daily life.

Since then, she has continuously unveiled her mission, championing eco-friendly practices with her 3 happiness-infused brands: Sarika Face Yoga, Sake Beauty Balm, and Sarika Sake, each embodying a concealed yet impactful sustainable goal. But her commitment to sustainability goes beyond labels, challenging mainstream beauty norms and creating a positive impact on faces, spirits, and the planet. You can check her Instagram account here.

Sissi Simeonova – This foodie does not waste a bite!

Sissi Simeonova - co-founer of foody - international women day

Now, let us introduce you to Sissi Simeonova, CEO and co-founder of Foody, a company pioneering the fight against food waste in Bulgaria. A passionate foodie herself, she challenges the notion that quality food loses its taste after a few hours on the shelf.

Named “Sustainable Lady of the Year” in 2021 and recognized as one of Bulgaria’s influential social entrepreneurs in Forbes 30 under 30, Sissi’s journey started with Foody as an Instagram blog in 2016. Evolving into a movement, Foody connects food lovers with delicious leftovers from restaurants and supermarkets, addressing the food waste issue innovatively.

She was raised in a family valuing resource conservation, so Sissi’s personal history with sustainability has fueled Foody’s mission to reduce food waste in Eastern Europe, subsequently curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Over the past three years, Foody has made strides in confirming the impact of their initiative. Foody’s unique value lies in its broad selection of quality meals, positive environmental and societal impact, and convenient access to sustainable eating options.

Celebrating International Women’s Day isn’t just about recognition—it’s a call for ongoing progress in our journey towards gender equality. As a female founder, my mission goes beyond business success; it’s about inspiring positive change, fostering inclusivity, and making a lasting impact on our world. Let’s continue to break barriers and build a future where everyone thrives!

Claudia Guerrero – Giving Marketing a Conscience

Claudia Guerreiro is the driving force behind the Conscious Marketing Movement, reshaping the narrative in a world overloaded with manipulative marketing tactics.

Claudia Guerreiro is the driving force behind the Conscious Marketing Movement, reshaping the narrative in a world overloaded with manipulative marketing tactics. As a conscious marketer, Claudia recognizes the power marketing holds in shaping perceptions and decisions but at the same time, she questions whether we are using this power for good.

Transitioning from freelancing to supporting marketers and entrepreneurs on a conscious journey, Claudia initiated the Conscious Marketing Movement—a global community committed to transforming profit-driven marketing into purpose-driven approaches.

Similarly to a B-Corp, her movement aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, donating 1% of yearly sales to 1% For The Planet, striving for Climate Neutral Certification by 2025, and pursuing B-Corp status by 2027.

Challenging the black-and-white choice between nonprofit and corporation, Claudia believes businesses can contribute to a better world while sustaining profitability.

On International Women’s Day, she advocates supporting women-led businesses through conscious marketing. Despite challenges, Claudia underscores the need for fair compensation, addressing the gender pay gap, particularly in self-employed women. Supporting these women goes beyond monetary means; engaging on social media, making connections, and spreading the word, can make a significant impact on their lives and missions too.

Every bit of support counts in driving sustainability initiatives forward and women can do much more to support each other. 🌍💪

Cathy Mears-Martin – Because Children Are the Future

Cathy Mears-Martin - Because Children Are the Future - International Women Day

Cathy Mears-Martin, our eco-champion and the imaginative force behind the Eco Protection Squad didn’t just stumble upon her green journey – she quite literally picked it up by the bagful. Picture this: a beautiful waterfall in Cambodia, and Cathy, with an eagle eye for eco-trouble, starts collecting litter instead of souvenirs. That bag turned into a rabbit hole of waste management, toxins, plastic-free periods, and even regenerative farming. Suddenly, she’s not just Cathy – she’s Captain Planet with a bag and a mission.

Back in London, Cathy found herself trying to explain this mess to friends and family. Waste management wasn’t just confusing; it was a dumpster fire of misunderstanding. So, she decided to break it down in a language everyone understands – through the characters in her book.

Stories are the way we make sense of our lives. They are the way we understand ourselves, the world around us, and the people we love.

Steven Spielberg

This way The Eco Protection Squad was born, featuring super kids out to save Terra, Mother Earth, from the villainous Bill McGreedy and his band of Eco Squashers.

Spreading the Green Message

Now soaking up the sun in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Cathy has added titles like Helping Hand Environmental Ambassador and Environmental Ambassador to her super-woman resume. She shares life hacks for sustainable parenting and works part-time for a non-profit, all while plotting to make the Eco Protection Squad a global phenomenon. If that is not enough, she does consultations for sustainable swaps, workshops, and even book readings for kiddos. And who could forget her plastic-free period workshops? Captain Eco is covering all bases!

When it comes to women in sustainability, Cathy’s all about that nurturing power women hold. In her opinion, women are the ultimate caretakers, ensuring their families and the world get the TLC they need. In her world, everyone’s voice matters, especially the little ones who, according to Cathy, can teach us a thing or two about saving the planet.

Cathy sees International Women’s Day as a chance for female founders to put on the superhero cape and unite for good causes. Her vision? Simple – educate children (and everyone else) on living sustainably while nudging those in power for much-needed change.

So, let’s join Captain Eco and the Eco Protection Squad because, as Cathy says, there’s more to litter than meets the eye – it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Kasia Pokrop and the Revolution of Motherhood

Kasia Pokrop - women empowernment

Kasia is a devoted mom whose career journey started in the digital health corporate world. However, it took a turn after the birth of her son when she founded Mamamoon, a holistic birth and postpartum preparation platform that’s changing the game for mothers-to-be.

Growing up in Poland, where childbirth is often highly medicalized, Kasia witnessed firsthand the impact of having (or not having) access to choices during pregnancy and childbirth. Mamamoon is her way of democratizing this access, ensuring every woman has the power to make informed decisions throughout her motherhood journey.

Kasia’s sustainability awakening didn’t happen overnight. Despite not being raised in a society focused on sustainable choices, Kasia’s travels and experiences, including witnessing plastic pollution in Indonesia, and the overwhelming volume of baby-related waste sparked her commitment to sustainability.

Kasia sees sustainability not as a choice but as a responsibility, especially for parents. The desire to preserve the world for her children motivated her to integrate sustainable practices into Mamamoon. From washable diapers to natural hygiene products, Mamamoon introduces holistic self-care that extends beyond pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery.

For Kasia, International Women’s Day is a reminder of the responsibility she bears as a mother. She recognizes the lasting impact of small, collective steps toward sustainability. As a female founder, Kasia chooses celebration over frustration, using her wins to inspire other women. Through Mamamoon, she is creating a legacy where her daughter and others can witness women thriving in diverse roles and making a positive impact.

Cheers to Kasia, a visionary mother and founder making waves in the journey of sustainable motherhood.

Lola Fernandez – Sustainable Living Should Be Easy

We could not close this article without mentioning our very own Lola Fernandez, standing as a beacon of change in the world of sustainable business, and weaving environmental consciousness into the fabric of her entrepreneurial journey.

We could not close this article without mentioning our very own Lola Fernandez, standing as a beacon of change in the world of sustainable business and weaving environmental consciousness into the fabric of her entrepreneurial journey.

Transitioning from diverse roles in international companies, Lola’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish Green Cloud Nine, a European-wide platform promoting information and innovative products for modern, urban, sustainable living.

Lola envisions a world where each of us and our communities are empowered to live sustainably and with the freedom to shape our lifestyles.

Her commitment to simplicity and environmental responsibility goes beyond lip service; it’s deeply ingrained in the ethos of her company and her lifestyle.

Her journey represents the belief that purpose in business can and must contribute to positive change.

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, Lola champions the cause of women’s empowerment, supporting women from all over the world through mentoring and coaching. Drawing on her extensive experience in male-dominated industries and public sector roles, Lola fosters a narrative combining her rich international experience with a strong commitment to sustainability and collaboration. This way she creates learning and development opportunities for women.

And that’s a wrap!

Let’s carry these stories in our hearts as the curtain falls on International Women’s Day. These women are just a few of the many who aren’t just changing the game but rewriting the whole playbook. Beyond the flowers (hopefully in long-lasting pots) and hashtags, let’s remember these and many other women shaping a world that’s not just fair but also eco-friendly.

Every little thing we do adds up to a brighter future. So, here’s to the indomitable spirit of women leading the way – making our world more awesome not just today, but every day. Cheers! 🌟

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Lola Fernandez
Lola Fernandez

Lola is this blog host and the founder of Green Cloud Nine. Nature lover and environmental activist since she was a teenager, Lola has always been a great fan of homesteading and she is continuously experimenting and finding her way to be more self-sufficient and sustainable.

Articles: 51