Sustainable development goals are created for a better future. While these goals provide a roadmap for addressing pressing world issues, individual actions are equally crucial. The complexity of these challenges demands long-term solutions, often emphasizing governmental action, regulations, and collaboration. But what about our sustainable behaviours?
Should we only observe what has been happening in the world? Or wait for a superhero who can solve everything for us? Never underestimate your power as an individual. Our actions may result in multiple benefits in fighting climate crises, inequality, etc.
Collective effort is necessary to achieve the goals, and individuals are the ones who truly shape this collectivity. Let’s not overlook the power of our habits and actions that can impact not only our lifestyles but as consumers, we can also impact the world of business. We should all take concrete steps because each of us can make a difference.
If so, what are we waiting for?
How Much Do We Contribute To Sustainability Problems?
The world’s problems are intertwined, affecting each other or triggering new challenges. Considering the climate crisis, it’s not hard to see how much it’s connected to other problems like equality, resource distribution, intergroup conflict, and many other significant challenges. We should know how much we contribute to issues and mitigate our part with our responsible actions. If you want ideas about your carbon footprint, visit this website and calculate yours.
Ways Towards a More Sustainable World
In social psychology, prosocial behaviours are widely studied, and scholars wanted to understand their core because of their significance in terms of social cohesion and solidarity. Prosocial behaviours are purposeful actions that benefit others and society in general. For example, helping a friend to do something, donating money to a charity, working in a volunteer organisation, or anything related that may come to your mind can be prosocial.
When we orient our attention to the environment and do positive actions to protect it, minimise our impacts, and improve the other species’ quality of life, those are also considered helping behaviours and are named pro-environmental behaviours. These behaviours are crucial for a better world and future and necessary steps to achieving sustainable development goals. Then why not designate them under the general term “sustainable behaviours”.

Some have argued that sustainable behaviours come from selfish motivation, while others say it’s altruistic. Our most basic motivation might be to fulfil our need to feel good while also responding to the needs of others. Ultimately, isn’t taking positive action the most important part?
Easy Sustainable Behaviours To Acquire
Now, it is time to explore sustainable behaviours and how we can integrate them into our lives:
Saving water
Water is one of the most precious resources on our Earth, and at the same time, water scarcity is one of the most pressing challenges. Despite its abundance, access to clean water is diminishing due to pollution, overconsumption, and climate change. Yet, we are dependent on water in our daily lives. The urgency of water conservation is apparent, and straightforward actions can make a significant difference. Here are some easy tips from us for you to save some water:
- Use a full load of machines to wash your clothes and dishes.
- Turn off the tap when you are not using water. Reducing the water flow rate in your home also remarkably reduces the amount of water.
- Timing your shower also works and prevents water waste.
- Gardeners can collect rainwater.
Saving Energy
We can easily save energy by being conscious about what we do daily.
We all use electrical appliances in our everyday lives, which consume a lot of energy. To help out, you can update your light bulbs to energy-efficient ones that can be used in your living environment to consume less power. Try to be careful about turning your appliances off rather than leaving them on standby mode. Do not think standby mode means no energy consumption; they still consume energy, unfortunately, unnecessary energy.
- Adjust your thermostat.
- When your charge is complete, plug off your charger.
- Conserve energy by turning off lights when you leave a room and use natural light as much as possible.
- Unplug electronics when not in use. For example, shutting down your laptop instead of using sleep mode can significantly reduce energy consumption.
- Here are some more tips on how you can make your digital space more energy-efficient.

Consider incorporating smart energy devices like programmable thermostats and smart plugs to automate energy-saving measures. If you are a new beginner, you may need some notes as a reminder. You can prepare basic stickers and attach them near your plugs or electronic devices. We would also recommend putting an alarm or a reminder on your phone; for example, if you struggle to fall asleep with lights on, you can use this reminder to turn off the lights before you do so. You can also set up a timer on your TV so it shuts down after a certain time in case you fall asleep.
These and similar little tricks are small steps you can apply initially. Over time, once you get used to them, they will undoubtedly become automatic and will not require any effort.
Acquiring Plant-Based Diet
Due to the awareness of the destructive effects of animal products on the environment, plant-based alternatives are rising. More people are adopting this sustainable lifestyle yearly and contributing to a global transition.
The massive amount of water required for meat production is incredible. Animal agriculture is also highly responsible for greenhouse gases. By transforming your dietary habits, you can enjoy delicious food besides supporting planetary well-being and animal welfare. One more aspect that you might consider in order to incorporate plant-based meals into your diet is also the fact that vegetables are essential to keep us and our microbiome (aka gut) healthy.
Scientists recommend to incorporate about 30 various types of plants into our diets on weekly basis. In fact, it is recommended to consume about 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day (1 adult portion is 80g).

When it comes to making a dietary change, your motivation is key. Think of why you want to transform your eating habits and learn more about the benefits from all aspects. A well-balanced plant-based diet can be seriously healthy and protect you from certain diseases. Approaching the issue from an ethical perspective can also bring additional meaning into your life.
You may need guidance for sure until you have enough knowledge to continue by yourself. In this point, we have multiple articles that can help you.
- How to Easily Reduce Your Meat Consumption
- Vegan Meat Alternatives: A Complete Guide
- Part 1. How to Add Plant-Based Delights in Your Diet with These Books
- Part 2. How to Add Plant-Based Delights in Your Diet with These Books
Also, explore vegan food creators on YouTube and Instagram with a quick search. Learning which food is nutritious with fibre, vitamins, and proteins is crucial. Step by step, you will be an expert in preparing healthy, delicious, plant-based foods and will even create your own recipes. You will be surprised at how much space a plant-based diet will open up for you in terms of creativity.
There is not one correct way to acquire a plant-based lifestyle. Some people may gradually reduce their consumption of animal-delivered products; some may progressively mix vegan dishes with their current diet and start cooking plant-based only on certain days, while others may quit eating meat entirely in one day. You know which one works best for you. Remember that sourcing your food locally and seasonally is also essential, and this way, you can reduce your carbon footprint in your vegan diet even more.
Zero waste is a habit that previous generations were perfectly good at. While many of us aspire to live sustainably, it’s important to acknowledge that we often fall short in our daily practices, contributing to unnecessary waste. This waste is in a wide range, starting from our kitchen and going all the way to the products we use. By re-acquiring our ancestor’s lifestyles, we can both prevent waste and contribute to our economy.
- In your kitchen, you can prevent waste with just small adjustments.
- Buy as many products as you need, and do not allow them to spoil.
- If you have leftover food from one of your meals, you can create different recipes with it for your next meal. For example, leftover vegetables and fruits can turn into delicious vegetable broth or drinks.
Check out Plantyou‘s Instagram page as a zero-waste kitchen inspiration. Composting is another key to kitchen waste reduction. We have recently published an ebook on Amazon that will guide all of us on this subject. Opt for composting with our Composting 101 Guide.

In terms of product use, if you believe you have excessive stuff that you cannot fit anywhere, please do not throw it away. You can donate or sell it to a second-hand shop. When it comes to damaged clothes or furniture, you can repair them or transform them into new products rather than constantly purchasing them
Even small donations for people suffering from severe deprivation on the other side of the world can make a meaningful difference. The monthly contributions you make through trusted institutions, though modest for you, can have a far more significant impact than you might imagine. Considering a group of people donating like you, your donation becomes profoundly meaningful. Donation is not just about money. Here are some ideas for donations:
- Clothing: Donate gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories to local thrift stores or charities.
- Household items: Donate unwanted household items like furniture, kitchenware, electronics, or linens to local charities or thrift stores.
- Books, toys, and games: Donate gently used books, toys, and games to children’s charities or libraries.
- Food: Donate non-perishable food items to local food banks or shelters.
- Blood: Donate blood at a local blood bank.
Besides, many environmental groups need help in order to accomplish their targets. You can donate to them or even participate in their working groups.

Participating in Volunteer Activities
Volunteering can do more than you imagine. During volunteering, you contribute to a group or a subject, gain valuable experiences, and take steps towards holistic development. You can make a real difference rather than waiting around, knowing and seeing the existing problems, and feeling powerless. The most important points here are your interests, skills, and project compatibility. There is definitely one that suits you among hundreds of options.
Here are some volunteering tips that you can consider.
Raising Awareness
Even if we show many sustainable behaviours ourselves, there is another step to take: expanding our sphere of influence and reaching more people. For this, we can talk to people about the environment, climate, and sustainability and share experiences. Sometimes, people may not have enough information or feel ineffective for various reasons. Maybe all they need is a little touch.
Are there more we can do? Definitely yes!
We have many things to do in order to support every sustainable development goal. Please check the United Nations’ page where various suggestions are made for guidance.
Maybe we cannot see the direct effects of our sustainable behaviours in the short term, but please never forget your power. We need every single person’s contribution. You may not always demonstrate our outlined sustainable behaviours, but it is okay. It is a stepwise process. Never judge yourself. Just be aware of your actions and try.
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