Imagine you are standing in the middle of a concert. The music sweeps you away, the atmosphere is electrifying, and you feel like you are part of something big. But while you let yourself be carried away by the sounds, something is happening in the background that many of us are not aware of: tonnes of waste, high energy consumption and CO₂ emissions from travelling to the events.
The situation is often no better at business events such as conferences or trade fairs. After a long day, hundreds of participants leave behind plastic cups, printed brochures and leftover snacks. All of this has consequences – for our environment and our future.
But here’s the good news: you can do something about it. As a participant, you have an important responsibility – and at the same time, you have the power to make a positive difference.
Why do you, as a participant, also bear a responsibility?
We often think that sustainability is primarily the task of the organisers. And, of course, that’s where a large part of the responsibility lies. But events only work because of us, the participants. With every decision we make, we help shape it – whether consciously or unconsciously.

For example, when we use disposable cups or carelessly waste resources, we send a signal: “I don’t care about sustainability.” Conversely, we can use our actions and our voices to show that a sustainable approach to our environment is important to us.
How Do You Recognise Sustainably Organised Events?
You might be asking yourself: “How can I even know if an event is sustainable?” Here are a few indicators you can look out for:
1. Transparent Communication
Sustainable events make no secret of their efforts. Pay attention to whether the organiser shares information on sustainable measures – be it on the website, in the invitation or during the event itself.
2. Regionality and Conservation of Resources
Check whether regional products are offered, for example, in catering. Is disposable plastic avoided? Are there waste separation stations?
3. Mobility and Energy
Does the organiser offer environmentally friendly travel options such as shuttle buses or discounts on train tickets? Does the event use LED lighting or green electricity?
4. Events Certification
Certificates such as the Austrian Ecolabel or international standards such as ISO 20121 are a clear indication of a sustainable event. Such certifications show that the organiser is actively taking measures to act more sustainably.

What Can You Contribute as a Participant?
As a guest at an event, you can also do a lot to support sustainability – whether at a concert, a festival or a conference. Here are some simple but effective tips:
1. Think About Your Journey
Travelling to and from the event often causes the majority of an event’s CO₂ emissions. Consider whether you can use public transport. Maybe there is a carpool? Or maybe the event is even close enough for an environmentally friendly journey by bike.
2. Bring Your Own Utensils
For public events such as festivals or concerts, Pack a reusable water bottle, your own cutlery or a coffee mug. Many event organisers now offer water stations that you can use free of charge.
3. Be Careful With Rubbish
Don’t just throw rubbish anywhere. Use the waste separation stations provided or speak to a helper if you don’t know where something belongs. Every little step helps to reduce the mountains of rubbish.
4. Only Take What You Really Need
Whether it’s promotional gifts at a conference or flyers at a festival, think about whether you really want to take them with you. Less consumption means less waste.
5 Communicate Your Wishes
Address sustainability! Organisers are often open to feedback. Tell them that the topic is important to you and ask what measures they are taking.

Differences Between Public & Business Events
Depending on the type of event, there are different ways to act sustainably:
At public events (e.g. concerts, festivals):
- Consider whether you can choose a sustainable alternative, such as digital tickets instead of a disposable festival wristband.
- Support sustainable initiatives, for example by buying a “green ticket” where part of the proceeds go towards climate protection projects.
At business events (e.g. conferences, trade fairs):
- Ask in advance whether digital materials (such as a PDF programme booklet) are available instead of printed brochures.
- Use digital notes instead of pads of paper.
- Avoid unnecessary giveaways or consciously choose sustainable alternatives.
Why Your Actions Count
You might be thinking: “What can you actually achieve as a single person?” But this is exactly where the key lies. Sustainability is a joint endeavour. If each participant takes small steps, a big change is created. Your behaviour can also inspire others – both organisers and other guests. For example, if you turn up with a reusable water bottle, you send a signal that sustainability is important and possible.
How do you give feedback on sustainability to event organisers?
Did you attend an event that impressed you? Then let the organisers know that you liked their sustainable measures. Were you disappointed because little emphasis was placed on sustainability? Then, give constructive feedback. Organisers learn from the wishes and opinions of their participants.
A simple example: If many participants ask for reusable cups, the organiser will take this point into account at future events. Your vote counts.
Together for Sustainable Events
The event industry is a mirror of our society. When we, as participants, show that sustainability is important to us, we set an example – and move the industry in a better direction.
Imagine how nice it would be to experience a concert where no waste is left behind. Or a conference that conserves resources and supports local businesses. It’s in our hands to make such events a reality.
My call to you
Take the first step! Think about how you can act sustainably at your next event. Imagine how your small decisions – from travelling to the event to separating waste – are part of a larger movement.
Together, we can ensure that events are not only unforgettable but can also be enjoyed with a clear conscience. Be a role model, inspire others and show that change is possible – even as a participant!
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