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Why the 2021 UN Climate Report Is Vital for Sustainability

The IPCC's latest report underscores the urgent need for climate action. Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events highlight the consequences of human-induced climate change. Deforestation, pollution, and unsustainable practices exacerbate the crisis. Transitioning to renewable energy, reducing emissions, and protecting ecosystems are crucial steps towards a sustainable future. Let's act now!
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*UN – United Nations

You have probably heard from many media sources around the world about this United Nations climate report. You may or may not know why this report is incredibly significant for sustainability.

So let’s explain in more detail, the last climate report was created in 2019 and gave a very detailed account of where the climate and environment currently are and how they may change.  The main body of the united nations for climate change is called the IPCC. They use science to predict and help mitigate impacts and risks now as well as in the future caused by climate change.

What’s most interesting about these findings are they are not just some hearsay from an unreliable source. This report is backed up by science. So how concerned should we be?

Let’s Talk About the Actual Findings

Co2 Levels Are Increasing

  1. According to the IPCC report, the Co2 level as of 2019 are at the highest levels for the past 2 million years. Which sounds pretty significant. With an ever-increasing world population, and a high dependency on fossil fuels. It only looks set to increase. But only time will tell. With many hardworking environmentalist groups determined to implement change.

The Ice Caps Are More Important Than You Think

  1. Global surface temperature is increasing year on year faster than ever before. The ice caps are melting, causing an increase in sea levels. Which has already, according to science, been the explanation behind an increase in erosion and flooding. Moreover, most recently, we have seen extreme flooding in parts of Europe. Floods in Europe of this magnitude haven’t been recorded in over 500 years. But might become more frequent with climate change knocking on our door.

Deforestation Is Destroying The Environment

  1. There has been a consistent increase in greenhouse gases. This is caused mainly by human activity. Land and sea are absorbing around 56 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gases. With the continued deforestation worldwide and water pollution, its a cause for concern. Countries like Nigeria, which historically had almost 50 per cent of the land area covered by trees. Now it’s down to only 10 per cent. This affects poorer countries the most, with many using the forests as a livelihood. 

Get Ready for Sweltering Temperatures  

  1. Year-on-year increases in world temperatures, which are only due to continue. Animal migrations are causing animals to change their behaviour, eating habits and where they migrate to. This has a knock-on effect with other animals and plants that depend on the migration.  The temperatures are also causing some of the warmer areas to be uninhabitable. Some people are even being forced to leave their land . Most recently the highest ever recorded temperature was recorded in Europe with a scorching 48.8 degrees on the Italian island of Sicily.  This maybe a sign of things to come.

The Rainy Season is Crucial for Monsoon Life

  1. A Decrease in monsoon rain, likely caused by aerosol emissions (sea spray, smoke and dust). It’s surprising how the little things can have such a big effect on the environment. Changes in the levels of rain in the monsoon have a massive effect on the wildlife as well as people of the monsoon lands. Aerosol emissions can cause the weather to be altered. This has a considerably negative effect on people’s and wildlife’s sources of food, water, and shelter.   
climate change effects

Let’s Talk About Climate Conditions 

Even More Devastating Typhoons

  1. An increase has been seen in the number of tropical typhoons over the last 4 decades. Typhoons cause destruction and damage wherever they are. According to this report, it is most likely the result of human pollution. In 2019, Japan was hit with typhoon Hagibis, which was the 19th typhoon of that season. In fact, it caused immense flooding and around 10 billion USD of damage. Is it set to continue? 

More Wildfires and Drought? 

  1. Interestingly, the IPCC report says that it is very likely that heatwaves, droughts and fire weather are caused by human practices. Most recently we have seen the Australian wildfires, which are usually started by lightning strikes or by people. Due to the extreme weather the fires spread further and lasted longer than previously seen.
  1. So, what does it mean if the ice caps melt, just some flooding, right? Well, the ice caps surface does more than just retain water. The ice caps snowy surface amazingly is responsible for reflecting the Ultraviolet light away from the earth. But how much UV are we talking about? Clean fresh snow can reflect up to 90 percent of all the suns ultraviolet rays. This truly shows how significant the poles are for our future.  

So, let’s turn this around and talk about innovative solutions, it’s not just big businesses and governments that are responsible, we are too. Why not, play your part and check out our environmentally verified vendors who care and like you want to be part of the green movement? 

So, What is Being Done?

Well, let’s take a look at some very interesting and innovative ways environmentalists are moving the bar, for the better. 

We Need More Flora and Fauna

  • Sea levels: Early warning detection systems, improved floodplains and flood resistant hoses are some ways being used for low level areas. These methods are helping combat rising sea levels and saving people from relocation. But are they enough? Places like Dar es Salaam have been trying to relocate locals who are in areas most likely to be hit by floods. 
  • But what about green initiatives? In Jakarta, Indonesia, locals are using more green space to combat flooding. The increased use of vegetation means that flood water is absorbed at a much higher rate. Protecting the surrounding areas.    

Carbon Capture Technology Seems Promising

  • Worldwide temperatures: As the United Nations report states, there has been dramatic changes already in our climate over the last 100 years. Even more rapid changes in the last decade, such as the use of renewable energy and the reduction of the amount of CO2 in the environment, will make an incredible difference. Also the reduction or elimination of energy production that damages the environment. A massive increase in reforestation and other technologies, like carbon capture, could help, too.
  • All of these methods need to come together to aid in the reduction in global warming temperatures.  This is the tip of the ice berg, in terms of progress, but its a start.

Electric Vehicles and Solar Power

  • Green houses gases: the biggest areas of responsibility for greenhouse gases are Industry, Transportation and electricity. So, finding ways to reduce or eliminate these effects will play a big part in the future of the plant. For transport we have seen increases in the use of Electric vehicles. Hydrogen also could be a very viable option if it can be produced greenly, and less labour intensively than it is currently. 

  • Energy production: the use of renewable technology like wave, wind and solar power. These are all good viable ways to have 100 per cent renewable energy powering a country.

  • In industry production methods also need to be changed to combat damaging polluting effects. This Sector is a massive user of electricity, so powering it sustainably, is massively important. Sunnier countries have an ideal situation to increase solar energy levels. Provide jobs and possibly even export excess electricity to the less sunny countries.

  • Current solar projects include putting solar panels around the perimeter of the Sahara desert. This project could power all or some of Africa in the near future. The future for solar looks bright.   
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Will Carbon Capture Save Our Current and Future Climate?

A more obvious method to reduce carbon is using plants and our oceans to absorb and store the C02. Scientists are finding interesting ways outside of the obvious. How about innovative C02-absorbing material or carbon capture devices? These methods are becoming more and more common.

Specifically, carbon capturing is where the carbon is taken in from the atmosphere and stored, usually underground. In highly polluted cities like Beijing, this technology is already in use. The city has seen good results from this method and many other countries are also using this technology.

Usually, this method of technology is complicated and expensive.

However, some innovative companies are testing carbon capture machines on a smaller scale. They are offering carbon capture devices that are much smaller and easier to transport and cheaper to purchase. Will we see carbon capture machines in our homes? Maybe.

Fake Snow  

  • The arctic and Antarctica: We previously talked about how the ice caps reflect UV rays from the sun. The reduction in the size of the ice caps will have a negative effect on UV protection for everyone. But some scientists are testing the use of artificial snow. This is used to fill in the gaps left from melted snow. Scientists have seen positive results from this method, but it seen as a last resort.
  • Other possible solutions may come in the form of wind powered pumps that can make the ice in a sustainable way. But finding the ideal solution will not be easy. Our efforts are the best way to bring our environment back to being a good place for the world’s stakeholders.   

Artificial Rain 

  • Heatwaves and drought: The use of artificial rain is one way that’s being looked at, Dubai is testing the use of cloud seeding. This is where scientists seed chemicals into the clouds, which makes a reaction that makes it rain. This technology has been used in the US for many years, but issues with possible water pollution from the chemicals used are still an issue.   

If you’re reading this and support the ever-changing environmental movement, why not check out our new post about the amazing kombucha the drink of the future? You can also find us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook to keep up with interesting environmental reading and green entrepreneurship.

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Lola Fernandez
Lola Fernandez

Lola is this blog host and the founder of Green Cloud Nine. Nature lover and environmental activist since she was a teenager, Lola has always been a great fan of homesteading and she is continuously experimenting and finding her way to be more self-sufficient and sustainable.

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