by Lola
Recycle Reuse Reduce

Simple at-home changes to make your daily life more sustainable and environmentally friendly

A long word but a simple concept – sustainability at home can become second nature with simple swaps to make everyday actions more environmentally friendly.

Being sustainable doesn’t and shouldn’t break the bank. With a few simple swaps at home, your footprint can be significantly reduced. Implementing any one of these changes is a great way to get you started on your sustainable journey. 

What is sustainability? 

Sustainability has become a hot topic, but did you know that there are many definitions of sustainability and many ways to be sustainable.

The report Our Common Future from the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development states that; 

“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 

Our Common Future report

In this way, sustainability can and should be incorporated into our daily lives.

Also, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – The UN action plan spanning 15 years – outlines 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This includes an area focusing on the planet. 

“We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources, and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.”

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 

If you are interested in UN Climate Report, you can’t miss my last article about it.

How to be more sustainable? 

Whether you are new to incorporating sustainability into your life or it has become your second nature, there is always something that we can do for the environment! View the list below for 10 simple and sustainable at-home changes to incorporate more sustainability into your life. 

10 Simple and Sustainable Changes to Your Household

1. Swap your light bulbs for LED 

LED light bulbs use less energy than other light bulbs. This means more savings on your electricity bill but also a longer bulb life and fewer light bulbs in landfills. 

2. Eco friendly cleaning products 

Buying eco-friendly cleaning products or making your own at home is an easy swap for environmentally friendly products. What makes a product eco-friendly is the lack of chemicals or pollutants in the product that can seep into the environment.

3. Separate your trash

Reduce, reuse and recycle! Set up your garbage to have organic waste, plastics, glass, and paper.  Separating your trash not only helps the environment but is a great visual to see how much waste your household produces. 

4. Reusable bags 

Your shopping trips don’t have to include plastic bags as well. There are many great tote options that can hold all your belongings while also being a fashion accessory.

Tip: keep a reusable bag in your car so you have one whenever needed. 

5. Reusable Food storage and water bottles 

Reusable food containers, utensils, and water bottles are a simple way to minimize waste and plastic use. 

6. Turn off your lights and electronics when not in use 

It’s as simple as flipping the switch. Turning lights off will not only save you money on your electricity bills, but it also works towards extending the life of your lightbulbs. Less waste and more savings! 

7. Donate!

Clearing the clutter in your home is a great way to see what you have and what you’re not using. Donating clothes largely reduces the need for space in landfills.

Did you know that each year 92 million tonnes of textile waste is thrown away?

8. Buy products with minimal packaging 

Packaging free is all the rage! Find a zero waste shop around you! You can bring your own containers and you’re charged by weight. Put your reusable containers to work!  

9. Move your bills digital (paperless)

With a few clicks of a button, you can minimize the use of paper bills and the transport that is needed to send them. Banks, electricity, and phone bills all have paperless billing options.

10. Compost 

As mentioned above, separating your trash is a great way to reduce and recycle. If you separate your organic waste as well, there is an opportunity to compost! If you have a garden of your own, a community garden, or the opportunity to donate your compost, it’s an easy way to make your waste work for you. Learn how to make your own compost in our upcoming article!

And when it comes to shopping…

Another thing that we as consumers can do is look to sustainability reports of companies before making big purchases. As of late, companies have largely been making efforts to incorporate more sustainability practices and implement corporate sustainability plans or have this focus. 

Corporate sustainability can be divided into three main pillars:

  • economic
  • environmental
  • social

With a focus on profit, planet, and people-these pillars shape how companies navigate. For example, looking at the environmental (planet) focus, companies may make a move to becoming carbon neutral or implementing zero waste initiatives with their products, among other opportunities. 

While corporate sustainability may include larger commitments, living a sustainable life in our own homes can be as easy as thinking twice before purchasing or recognizing the lifecycle of a product. Being sustainable is for everybody and the rewards benefit everyone! 

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