
A Journey of Sustainability and Self-Discovery

In today's world, sustainability is more than just a trend; it's a necessity. Get inspired by my sustainability journey and discover how to find your purpose in sustainability, whether it's through volunteering, advocating for change, or starting your own sustainable business. Let's connect with nature, embrace a circular economy, and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.
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Growing up, my mom encouraged me to have my own little garden and plant whatever I wanted there. My love for mashed potatoes led me to plant some delicious potatoes, which was the first thing I planted. To be honest, I wasn’t the most diligent gardener at that time, but luckily, potatoes were not high maintenance, and my mission ended up being successful.

I guess because my mom did additional plant studies while I was still little, I was always close to nature. When she was studying for exams, we would play games naming different herbs and plants (yes, also in Latin), and we would collect them together to create a herbarium.

My mom. The inspiration on my life journey.
My mom and I.
Original photo from the author.

In fact, one of my favourite childhood memories is when my mom would ask my brother and me to collect 100 dandelions each. And yes, of course, we made a competition out of it. She would teach us how to collect only the dandelion flower, clean it and afterwards make a delicious dandelion honey.

My mom is my biggest inspiration because, as an entrepreneur who founded our family company, she always worked full-time. On top of it, she raised two children and did studies. So whenever I think of something impossible, I think of her and how she managed to do all this while being there for the family. The secret sauce that I came to understand is that she was never alone and always had others supporting her.

Given my upraising, I was always connected to nature and entrepreneurship. I must say that for a long time, I didn’t realise how valuable lessons this taught me. It wasn’t until I moved out of home for my studies that I started feeling disconnected from this lifestyle. Although a lot of sustainable habits have stuck with me since my childhood, I knew I wanted to do more beyond my daily routine.

My Way To Social Impact

That was the time when I came across the opportunity to work for a social impact start-up focused on solutions to climate challenges and youth empowerment. Across many various projects, I was able to meet inspiring entrepreneurs and work on meaningful projects. Working at a start-up, I was able to try many different tasks and learn hands-on. I cannot describe how valuable and inspiring this experience was.

Sharing sustainable stories and journeys with others
Creating content.
Original photo from the author.

When it was time for me to move on, I decided that no matter what happens in life, I would like to pursue an impact-driven career. This led me to additional education in Circular Bioeconomy as well as to Green Cloud Nine.

But let me tell you one thing… although it might seem like my life was always on track, it was not. There were moments when I couldn’t find a job and moments when I doubted myself and my skills. And that is completely normal. At some point, we all start without qualifications or experience.

I had to learn how to believe in my ideas and, subsequently, in myself because those were the moments that made me grow both personally and professionally.

Being surrounded by many entrepreneurs, some of them being even younger than me, I realised that there isn’t such a thing. Growth and qualification come from learning and action. In fact, this is what always pushed me to learn and improve my skills.

We were all there at some point… at the beginning.

It is not easy to overcome our fears and face challenges. Nonetheless, challenging myself and getting out of my comfort zone was the best experience where I have learned the most. Being curious and trying to do things I didn’t know how to do helped me build my skillset. And even though I failed many times, it was the feedback and reflection that helped me learn from my failures and see them as challenges to overcome.

Still, there were days when I doubted myself.

My sustainability journey isn’t a specific point in my life where I would be suddenly interested in nature. It is a set of life experiences that is rooted in my passion for climate protection and nature.

Over a year ago, I took the biggest leap of my life. I moved to Bali and experienced the local lifestyle. From cultural shocks to a sudden minimalist lifestyle, I was not only put entirely out of my comfort zone but completely redefined my life.

Journey across river
My way to the kitchen.
Original photo from the author.
Sustainable dining
Bamboo glasses and plates from banana leaves.
Original photo from the author.

Learning about the philosophies and the connection of nature truly inspired me. It made me realise how lost many of these teachings are to current generations. Not only when it comes to traditional healing methods but even the ability to listen to our bodies. Not to overload ourselves with work and stress, which can lead to serious health concerns. Ignoring when our bodies indicate to us that something is not right. This sense of awareness was something that I disconnected from after I moved from home.

As a child, my mom always told me to listen to my body. And for a very long time, I’ve been ignoring that. Luckily, my path led me back to this wise advice.

Journey of Tri Hita Karana

There is this beautiful philosophy in Bali called “Tri Hita Karana”, which would be the three causes of well-being. The connection between humans, our connection to spirituality and our connection to nature. Beyond this philosophy, there are many cultures that teach us about the intrinsic need for a relationship with nature, and now even scientific studies are confirming how important nature is to our well-being. Yet we keep ignoring it.

In this sense, my journey has only started. These are the wisdom, philosophies and stories that I would like to explore more in-depth and share with people.

Water purification
Water purification.
Original photo from the author.
North Bali
Exploring Bali.
Original photo from the author.

Some of our natural heritage has been long forgotten, but that doesn’t mean it’s lost.

Let’s revive some of our habits; just remember what you used to do as a kid… and let’s encourage ourselves as well as our children to live those days again. In harmony with nature and in balance with our lives.

Finding Your Purpose, Mission, and Vision

My experiences in Bali have profoundly shaped my understanding of life, purpose, and the importance of a holistic approach to well-being. As I reflect on my journey, I’ve come to realize that my “how” – my mission – is more about the approach than the destination.

In our society, we often focus on achieving specific goals and milestones. However, the journey itself can be equally, if not more, valuable. The experiences we encounter, the lessons we learn, and the connections we make along the way shape who we become.

Top of mountain
Mt. Ijen, Java
Original photo from the author.

The Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana has taught me the importance of interconnectedness. It’s about finding a balance between people, spirituality, and nature. This perspective has inspired me to seek a more integrated approach to life, one that encompasses holistic well-being.

My Mission

My mission is a compass guiding me towards a life that aligns with my values, goals, and well-being. It reminds me to prioritize what truly matters beyond my career. It reminds me that the mindset and the journey are as important as my goals.

Happy, Healthy, Harmony: The purpose is the journey, and the journey is the approach.

Happy: A holistic lifestyle promotes emotional well-being, contentment, and a sense of purpose.

Healthy: It encompasses physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual balance.

Harmony: It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of living in harmony with nature and others.

Journey is about taking leap

The Role of Values and Beliefs

My personal values and beliefs guide my mission journey. I believe in the power of connection, the importance of lifelong learning, and the responsibility we have to care for our planet. These values inform my decisions and motivate my actions.

It’s about embracing the challenges, learning from experiences, and celebrating the small victories along the way.

Now, here are some tips on how I reflected and came to understand my purpose, mission, and vision.

1. Discovering Your Ikigai

Ikigai, a Japanese concept, is often described as your “reason for being.” It’s the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.  

  • What do you love to do? What activities bring you joy and fulfilment?
  • What are you good at? What skills and talents do you possess?
  • What does the world need? How can your skills and passions contribute to a positive impact?
  • What can you be paid for? How can you monetize your talents and passions?

A similar alternative would be the Hedgehog Principle, suggesting that sustainable success comes from focusing on a single, overarching concept that unifies three elements:

  • What are you deeply passionate about?
  • What can you be very good at?
  • What drives your economic engine?

2. Mental Models

Mental models are simplified representations of how the world works. By understanding mental models, you can better navigate complex situations and make informed decisions.

3. Life Line

The Life Line exercise is a powerful tool for reflecting on your past, present, and future, identifying key turning points and areas for growth.

  • Draw a horizontal line which represents your life timeline.
  • Mark key events: Place dots on the line to represent significant events such as successes, failures, births, deaths, moves, or career changes. Your “highs” and “lows” and mark it based on the strength of the emotion.
  • Add details: Write brief descriptions of each event and how it impacted your life.
  • Identify patterns: Look for recurring themes, challenges, or successes. Take a good look at your “highs”.
  • Reflect on your journey: Consider the lessons you’ve learned, the values you’ve developed, and the goals you’ve achieved.

I invite you to join me on this journey towards a more holistic and sustainable way of life. Together, we can create a positive impact and inspire others to embrace a brighter future.

Start Your Journey…

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Bibiana Bartschova
Bibiana Bartschova

I am an impact-driven researcher from the Czech Republic. My passion for the circular economy led me on a journey of discovery, equipping me with research skills and a desire to contribute to a sustainable future through innovative solutions.

Articles: 10

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