Environmental technology is not important, it’s vital. It only takes one good idea that is properly utilized. This could in turn change the face of our problem with climate change and our environment and even habitat loss. Right now, governments and individuals are starting to see the light and investing in clever technology.
The bottom-line is conditions will continue to decline if we don’t reinvent our old ways. Change needs to be implemented and money and experience need to be put behind climate change and green initiatives.
So, what is Environmental technology?
So according to gdrc.org: Environmental Technology usually refers to specific technologies that are used only for the purpose of solving environmental problems:
Seems pretty straightforward, right, but there are so many aspects of Environmental technology and so many problems to solve. It looks like we have a big challenge ahead.

1. Plastics made from plants
You don’t have to be told twice that we have a worldwide plastic problem. Have you heard of the huge plastic garbage patch floating around the Pacific Ocean? Various pictures of aquatic life caught in plastic, and reports of plastic on the lowest levels of the ocean.
Here on land, we have a slow uptake on the use of biodegradable plastic, some countries are better than others.
So, what about some plant-based plastics, really plant plastics? Agricultural food scraps can be reused to make plastics, that can be composted, or be manufactured to be fully biodegradable.
Biodegradable plastics are more complex than you think
This all sounds great, but what are the drawbacks. Well, it can be up to 50 per cent more expensive than conventional plastics to manufacture, and they need specific technology to be broken down. But as we have seen from solar energy, the more that are manufactured the more the cost comes down. This seems like a very useful option for our plastic problem.
2. The future of battery technology
Ok so everyone knows that Electric vehicles are pretty green, but they have their issues also. With the EV batteries needing specific materials to be manufactured. Internally factories having lots of waste and using lots of energy in the manufacturing process.
We also have the issue of where the energy comes from to put a charge in your amazing new electric car? Many worldwide countries still produce lots of their energy from fossil fuels.
Batteries are vital for storing energy from sustainable energy-producing sources to Electric vehicles batteries, and everything in between, so technology advancement here is vital. Let’s see what the future holds.
3. Battery Technology will double in capability
Battery technology is constantly improving, but it’s not where it needs to be, right? A big problem with EVs is the range and the price tag, although costs have come down considerably, EVs are more expensive than their combustion engine counterparts. Battery technology is arguably one of the most important environmental technology industries. If the capability of a battery was to double it would put to bed many concerns over buyers range anxiety in EVs.
Battery technology will continue to change
Currently, a number of companies are working on solutions to this, one of which is, in the form of Lithium metal batteries the batteries are twice as dense as standard EV batteries and will hopefully be used to power Electric vehicles and even planes by the end of the decade.

4. Airships, yes really airships
A big problem with emissions and transport is that unfortunately, we don’t have many alternatives to power planes. They need massive amounts of fuel and they produce large amounts of CO2, but up until now what options did we have? But what about airships, you know them big air balloons in kids’ cartoons.
Well, they are looking more and more attractive as an option for short-haul flights. They use up to 90 less fuel than conventional short-haul flights and don’t have as much of the dreaded turbulence.
Are Airships not a bit impractical?
The best part is that they don’t need a runway. A company in the US is already using this technology to transport minerals from mines and to other remote areas, and it can also be used for passenger flights too. How about Barcelona to Mallorca, a 4 and half hour flight by airship. This is very comparable with a standard aeroplane flight, but in more luxury and much quieter.
So, what are the pitfalls? well, the technology and costs are an obvious one, if this is to become commonplace. Would travel on an airship be a good option?
5. The glass that saves the planet
Ok so what material is all-over high-rise buildings and many other buildings and is underutilized, yes you guessed it glass. So, what’s the big deal? well what about solar glass, it can be used to capture and save energy, that is otherwise wasted.
This technology is already available to buy, but with increased advancements in Solar technology, and if this was to become more mainstream this could be a big step forward for producing our own solar power building to building.
But that’s not all, this technology has a high UV protection rating and can improve sound insulation over standard windows too.
6. Coffee clothes
Clothes made from Coffee, coffee is very popular worldwide, for the caffeine kick and that sweet or bitter taste, depending on what you order, but what about fabric made from Coffee grounds? Sounds pretty unusual, but why? well, it can be produced with very little energy and is very durable and is a quick-drying material when in use. Does this count as environmental technology that is a change maker, we would say most definitely, Yes.
This material can be used in clothing and fabrics for odour and even UV protection. Best of all it uses up what is leftover from coffee production.
7. Power your neighbour’s house
So, you have solar panels on your building or house, but you don’t use all the energy. Your neighbour is not so lucky. Why don’t you share the energy?
Tesla power walls can now use your excess energy to help partially power your neighbour or neighbours’ homes. Best of all the owners can make money from the energy, they give away and provide support for some less reliable power grids.
8. Sewage to clean drinking water
Having clean water is not a luxury that everyone has, unfortunately, water pollution or drying up is a genuine problem. So, what about filtering the sewage water to make freshwater? maybe this will make people scowl, upon first thought. But recently in Singapore, they started doing just that.
Are you brave enough?
Today this filtered water provides 40 per cent of all the fresh water in Singapore. Singapore plans on increasing this too. Would you drink filtered sewage water?
Are you a fan of sustainably produced drinks, well why not check out our blog post on Kombucha, it really is an amazing drink.
9. Solar-powered electric vehicles
Ok so we have solar panels and we have battery-powered cars, it was only inevitable that they would be combined. But what about solar electric vans. A German startup is looking to bring to the market a lightweight van that has solar on its roof. But solar cant power a vehicle, right?
You’ve heard of electric cars, but electric solar vans.
Well, their site claims that the solar panels can generate up to 200km of usable energy a day and has a fully charged range of 600km. Which is more than enough for the average person.
Best of all this has many body styles so can be used for many different uses. If this is a sign of things to come, vehicles will be very interesting in the future.

10. Sustainable cities of the future
So, in movies, a sustainable city has green areas everywhere, flying cars and fast-paced technology. But is that really a reality for our future?
The national geographic had a look at what a sustainable city of the future may look like, and it has some very interesting features. Examples include the cleansing of rainwater for numerous functions, including the revival of lost animal habitats.
Urban farms and gardens become part of the urban landscape. Which sounds like a very positive way forward. Landfills have become a part of history, and anything that would usually go to landfills is reused. Most food will be produced locally in urban farms. Buildings will be powered by solar glass, walls and even hydropower.
Cities will become more and more self sustaining
High-rise buildings will be restricted to allow light for solar functions. The city will be powered by energy produced in the local area, and local buildings will share excess energy.
So, what about the economy, the economy will be built around policies that promote sustainability. The functionality will be improved as the city will have many reusable resources available. Livability will also improve as the air quality will be improved.
What about the commute to work? Drones will be used to transport people to their place of work. For longer distances, high-speed trains will be available that can travel at speeds of up to 600 miles an hour.
Whether you think this is viable or not, it’s a very interesting look at the future life of people in sustainable cities.
Are you a big believer in environmental technology? Time to go visit our Instagram Facebook and LinkedIn Accounts to stay informed on all things sustainable. More interested in personal sustainability, why not check out our post on being sustainable in the household.
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