World Environment Day 2024: Ways to Restore Land

World Environment Day, the biggest international day for environmental awareness. It is celebrated on June 5th every year and focuses on a different theme each year to highlight pressing environmental issues. This year's theme is land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience. Join us and learn about the importance of healthy land for our survival and ways to reverse damage caused by human activities.
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Is the temperature too high or too low in your city? Have you been seeing frequent floods and droughts in your nearby areas or maybe on the news? Have you been thinking if this is due to climate change? And whether this is reversible or not. Let me bring the news to you. It is reversible to a great extent. This is why the United Nations has decided on the theme of World Environment Day on June 5th to be “land restoration, desertification and drought resilience”.

World Environment Day
Photo by Артем Дворецкий on

Nevertheless, while time may march on relentlessly, humanity still holds the power to mend and nurture the earth. Through efforts to restore degraded soil, cultivate new forests, and purify our water sources, we have the opportunity to coexist in harmony with our planet. Moreover, it is within our reach to not only stop further harm to the environment but also to actively participate in its rejuvenation and revitalization for future generations to come. 

Additionally, droughts and desertification are especially dangerous because they magnify community relocation, water scarcity, and food insecurity.  We can fight these issues and build a more resilient and sustainable future. Let’s help the future generations by reforesting and using sustainable land management techniques. The biggest international event for the environment is here…

What is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day is the largest international plan of action to reach the public about the environment. The day is celebrated every year on June 5th by millions of people globally.  

World Environment Day 2024 Land Restoration
Photo by James Wheeler on

On this day, we come together to recognize the importance of the fragile relationship between humans and nature as well as the urgent issues that threaten our planet’s well-being. It is a time to reflect on the impact of our actions on the environment and to raise awareness of the need for sustainable practices. From climate change to pollution, we acknowledge the challenges that we face and commit to finding solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future. 

Some History: Why do we Celebrate it? 

It all started with a conference held in Stockholm, Sweden, by a group of intellectuals and national leaders. The “Stockholm Conference” or the “Conference of Human Environment” led to the foundation of this day. Almost 122 national leaders participated in this to find a common solution to preserving the human environment. It began on June 5th and ended on June 16th, 1972.

World Environment Day 2024 Land Restoration
Photo by Damir on

Thanks to this conference, World Environmental Day was born. As the second outcome, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was created and has played a significant role in coordinating responses to environmental issues to this day. The celebration and constitution of this were announced on 15 December 1972. 

Consequently, in 1973, the UN and the world held the first Environment Day in Geneva, Switzerland, with the theme “ Only One Earth.” This theme has been repeated thrice to raise serious awareness. 

How do we Celebrate the World Environment Day? 

Every year, the theme differs to educate the nations and their people around the world on the pressing environmental issues. 

The UN changes the host city and country each year. The theme is majorly based on the issues faced by that particular region and several other factors. 

To give you an example, in 2016, the day was hosted by Angola under the theme “Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade.” Illegal wildlife trafficking is a pressing issue there, and the country has been unable to manage it. Therefore, the World Environmental Day was dedicated to raise awareness about this problem. Similarly, this year, the event will be hosted by Saudi Arabia, which is facing floods and water shortages due to land degradation. 

Saudi Arabia is planning to regreen deserts in their own country and outside. They want to tackle these issues that threaten especially West Asia and North Africa. Read more here.

2024 Theme: Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience

Let us see how the world is going to celebrate World Environment Day this year…

Under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration”; this year’s World Environment Day campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. The global commemoration of World Environment Day in 2024 will be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

When: 5 June 2024
Theme: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience
Host: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This year, celebrating this day reminds us that we are responsible for the future of our lands. Our actions greatly affect nature and its delicate balance. However, we are full of solutions and hope that we can tackle issues such as desertification and droughts through united actions. Of course, these issues are just part of bigger problems… in fact, they relate to three global crises:

  • Climate change
  • Nature and Biodiversity loss
  • Pollution and Waste

Some Facts about Terrestrial Ecosystems

So, lands are important. Why? On this special day, let us learn more about terrestrial systems, commonly known as lands.

We all live on these. Terrestrial ecosystems are ecosystems on land. The tundra, taigas, temperate deciduous forests, tropical rainforests, grasslands, and deserts are terrestrial eco-worlds. Land sustains life on Earth. It makes everything possible.

World Environment Day 2024 Land Restoration
Photo by Magda Ehlers on
  • 60% of species live in soil, making it Earth’s most biodiverse habitat.
  • 41% of Earth’s land surface is covered by drylands.
  • 31% of Earth’s land area is covered by forests.
  • Forests are home to more than 80% of all terrestrial species of plants, animals and insects. 
  • 20% of Earth’s land area is covered by deserts.
  • One-fifth of Earth’s land area is degraded. This is an area more than Russia and India together. 
  • Sources: ( Source 1Source 2Source 3 ) 

Why is Land Restoration Crucial?

Land restoration is essential as we are facing a mass extinction driven by human activities such as unsustainable land use. If you think humans are untouched by this extinction, let me tell you that is nowhere close to the truth. Your food, water, and survival depend on the diversity of species and the good health of the land and its soil. It is high time we intervene in a better way by reviving the land instead of destroying it.

Even 15% of land restoration and maintenance can avoid 60% of projected species extinction

2024 Land Restoration
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

The good news is that land restoration can alter the degraded land. It enhances livelihood, reduces poverty and makes the Earth more resilient to extreme weather. On top of it, this simple natural solution can store more carbon and thus, help us lower the speed of climate change. You might wonder what you can do to help with battling this issue. Let us give you some tips on how you can join us on June 5th and jumpstart sustainable and healthy habits. Let’s make a pledge together…

  • Fun fact: The UN partner countries aims to restore one billion hectares, which is more than the entire nation of China.

Ways to Revive the Land: Take Pledge to Save Soil this World Environment Day

Restoring land, fighting drought and ceasing desertification. Yes, you can do it yourself, as an individual! Start by getting involved with a community of like-minded, conscious individuals such as us and continue with easy tips that will make a difference. Let us show you how:

Growing Food Sustainably 

The way we grow our food is unsustainable and a major driver of land deterioration. Governments, institutions, and businesses can take action to make agricultural practices eco-friendly. By building climate-resilient crops, inculcating indigenous knowledge, and using fewer pesticides, a lot can change. 

World Environment Day
Photo by Wendy Wei on

As an individual who wants to contribute to the change, you can buy food from local farmers to lower the transport emissions and costs. Shift the diet to be more plant-friendly, taking into account the season and area that you live in. Plus, you can even grow your own food.

Plant and Save Trees in Cities

By 2050, around two in three people will live in the cities. It is evident from the crises we face today that we are not living consciously enough. Instead of building concrete jungles, the authorities can try to make sustainable cities capable of growing their own supplies and having unique features. Infrastructure can have permeable surfaces, vertical gardens, and urban lawns to implement these. Trees in urban sites can cool the air up to 5°C. This reduces the dependency on air conditioning by 25%.

2024 Land Restoration
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

As an individual, you can create an urban oasis of your own on your balcony or window sill, which can replicate a mini jungle to some extent. This will not only enhance the aesthetics but also attract birds, insects, and small animals that get lost in the cemented cities. As a bonus, it will reduce pollution and improve air quality around your place. Remember that it is better to plant native plants and trees to avoid damaging the local ecosystem.  

Do you need some herb seeds and planting beds to start with? We have them for you! This raised bed kit from Pannello can fit in any terrace or small garden and meet your requirements. 

Environment Day
Sustainable Products

Revive Freshwater Sources Like Lakes and Rivers

Freshwater is the water we can drink and survive on. Not just humans but many living beings’ lives depend on freshwater.  We use them to plant our trees, grow our food and do lots of things. The freshwater sources like rivers, canals, ponds and lakes keep the water cycle thriving. 

Sustainable Living
Photo by Thirdman on

You can adopt a rainwater harvesting system at your place to preserve the water for longer use. If you have a garden or lawn area, you can use grey water from the kitchen to irrigate them. You can visit the local water systems and grow wild grasses and flowers around them to attract a diverse life, which is diminishing day by day. 

You can use naturally produced cleaners to avoid harm to freshwater sources, as this is where our municipal water usually ends up. An example is this All-Purpose Cleaner & Refill by Ecover, which is produced using natural and biodegradable ingredients and sold in recycled and recyclable packaging. 

Taking Care of the Coastal Areas and Marine Life

Where the life originated…  Seas and oceans give us oxygen, trap carbon, and give us rain and seafood. More than 3 billion people directly rely on marine and coastal environments for survival. 37% of people live within 100 km of the coast. Unfortunately, plastic and marine pollution continues to threaten the sea temperature and the lives of its inhabitants.

Fish chocked on plastic
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on

As per the World Bank, human impact has destroyed:

  • 20% of coral reefs
  • 20% of mangroves
  • 30% of seagrass beds

To tackle this, you can reduce your plastic consumption and waste as a responsible individual. Businesses and governments can successfully reuse, recycle and reduce plastic up to a great extent. It is possible.  Plastic doesn’t have to be everywhere – on every goods and appliances. Try to consume less and sustainably produced seafood. 

Single-use plastic bottles for drinking water make up a significant portion of plastic waste, polluting our oceans. You can make the switch to a reusable water bottle. And what’s even better if it isn’t entirely plastic? This stainless steel Classic drinking bottle by Less to Zero is durable and reduces pollution in the sea and on land. 

Save the Pollinators: Bees are the Real Buzz!

Yes, they are. To be honest, bees are not the only pollinators, not the terrestrial ecosystem. Other guys like bats, butterflies, birds, beetles and a variety of insects are equally supportive. Thanks to the bats, we have our favourite fruits like bananas, mangoes and avocados all around the globe. But hey, we did nothing good for them. We have polluted the air so much and cut down trees to build unsustainable infrastructure that these just are not able to survive on the Earth. 

Bees and flowers
Photo by Pixabay on

But you wanna help, right? You can grow a mini hotel for them to feed or maybe a small area in the garden or terrace or balcony for them to make a home. All you need to do is grow plants with flowers and fruits that they can feed on and live and thrive. This will be enough to attract many of them for their basic survival.

But do keep it native and edible. You can use these plastic-free and natural coconut cultivation pots to grow sustainably. 

The Mighty Soil and Land 

Soil is where most of us feed from, directly or indirectly. It is the most diverse habitat on the Earth, with 60% of global diversity living in and under it. The majority of what we eat, 95%, comes from the soil itself in one way or the other. However, this habitat is constantly being destroyed, degraded, and overused, making it difficult for it to sustain. To give you an instance, it takes thousands of years to build 3 cm of topsoil. 

Sustainable Living
Photo by Jan Kroon on

To address this, you can start small but make an impact. You can use kitchen waste to convert it into compost. If you do not have a garden of your own, you can give it to farmers, nurseries or cultivators. Support organic farming. Grow crops and plants organically, if you are a farmer or a gardener.

Use organic fertilizers like mulch and compost to improve the soil fertility and porosity. You can make your own compost in your garden area with these Worm Vase from Die Wurmkiste.

This World Environment Day, Support in the Process of Land Restoration.

Yes, financially. Funding is still the major barrier to achieving the restored and thriving land. 

World Environment Day
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

You can make small amends or invest in the local organization or institution that is working toward land restoration. In addition, you can also take community initiative by gathering funds to restore the degraded land in your locality.

However, if that is not feasible for you, I have an idea. You can simply support businesses that are involved in the restoration of degraded lands and are genuinely working towards it. 

Want to Learn More about Land Restoration and the World Environment Day?

Here you go…

So, this Environment Day, let us all pledge to be more sustainable individuals and support entities that do. Let us start small to Make a big impact collectively. This is only possible when everyone, from governments, businesses, institutions, and organizations to individuals, combines so that we can create a truly happy and sustainable future. 

Let us restore our lands by becoming #GenerationRestoration. A very happy and sustainable World Environment Day…  

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Jahnvi Vyas
Jahnvi Vyas

Hey, I am Jahnvi Vyas. I have a Master’s in Environmental Science. My love for nature inspires me to be a more sustainable person. With my work, I aim to inspire and educate others to take action for our planet. 

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